The Barn has a small holding kitchen with one long counter space and a large warming oven. You have access to a commercial size freezer and refrigerator.
Please note that our kitchen is a prep area only and food cannot be made on site. We also do NOT provide utensils, plates, napkins, silverware, or take home containers. This is the client or caterer's responsibility.
You are welcome to bring your delivery vehicle up to the prep area to load and unload. Due to the nature of The Barn, the kitchen door is on the front of the building. After unloading, please move your vehicle to the gravel parking lot so that any event photos won't feature a truck in the background. The driveway is also a designated fire lane, along with many handicapped guests being dropped off, so parking is prohibited there.
Once you are ready to load up and leave the venue, please let us know in case you need assistance getting your vehicle back up. We will make sure the driveway or lane is clear for you. ABSOLUTELY NO DRIVING THROUGH THE GRASS. We know when it's time to go- it's time to go! If you are blocked in or can't get through- come ask a staff member. We will make sure the driveway is clear for you to get out and be on your way.
Our cabinets typically stay locked. Please don't go rummaging through or use anything you see. Some of these items are not ours, so please don’t use anything that isn’t yours or directly provided to you by us.​
The ice machine is for OBR use ONLY. If you are needing ice, bags of ice would need to be brought in or provided by you or the client. The ice machine is solely for bar use. If our bartenders do not have ice to make mixed drinks or serve with beverages, our guests probably would not be too happy.
The three compartment sink is for OBR bar use only. These sinks do not have grease traps, so absolutely NO food stuff should be rinsed or drained into these compartments per The Ohio State Board of Health. You are more than welcome to fill up water goblets, dishes, etc. If you are seen rinsing or disposing of food, you will be asked to stop immediately.
Food should be scraped into the trash and dishes will need to be left dirty. There is also a hand washing sink.
We have a golf cart right outside the door. If you have a full bag of trash, you can place the bag on the back of the golf cart and we'll dispose of it for you!
Please sweep and wipe down the area when you are finished. If you use the warming units, be sure they are turned off and cleaned out.
The Old Blue Rooster holds a liquor license with The State of Ohio. Any outside alcohol will be confiscated.